


目前該產品的備料部分,並不會有問題!另外,也已協調工廠盡全力配合,在產能部分已先做調配,一旦模具完成,即會安排上線組裝。 針對目前我們開模的進度,零件A的模具(試模) T1 的時間仍維持在12/4,產品B2的模具(試模) T1的時間可提前到 12/3, 因為需要依據T1 的結果,來確認是否能上線組裝。因此考量模具需要 T2的時間,目前樣品完成的時間在 12/9. P.S:若是12/4 模具 T1 即可完成,我們就很有機會符合貴司需要的時間。


我根據你的意思寫成以下的信文,並沒有逐字翻,以免變成中式英文。 There is no problem with the material preparation at present. Besides, we've reached an agreement with the manufacturer that they will cooperate with us with their best effort. The production line is under arrangement and will start to assemble the products as soon as the mold is ready. As to the schedule of our mold development, our estimation is as follows: The mold of part A remains12/4. The mold of product B2 will be advanced to 12/3, for we need its result to confirm whether to start assembly. As it takes about 9 days to develop the mold, we expect the sample will be available on 12/9. P.S. If the mold can be ready by 12/4, we have great opportunity to meet your requirement of the timing. 我的無名: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/Reticuli 有空來逛逛


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